There are several reasons you may wish to contact us. Here are a list of reasons and our preferred method of outreach.
- You love our content and want to give us feedback?
Please post all feedback directly on our social media sites linked throughout this website. We love to be able to share and brag about it if you enjoy our content and the social sites make that so much easier and authentic. Please leave us a comment or message.
2. You disagree with one of our reviews, you love or hate the music more than we do and want us to know about it?
We love it. That’s the great thing about music is that there is a huge variety of sounds and styles and not everyone is going to enjoy the same things. We don’t pick the artists we write about and interview based upon whether WE like them or not, we pick them because we think maybe somebody in our audience might like them and by promoting them we hope a larger audience can give them a listen. Stick with us, we will definitely find music you love and music that you don’t. When you like them, make sure to let us know or share them with others.
3. You are an artist, agent, promoter, sister or mother of a musical act and think that I should write a review about them or set up an interview?
I agree, I probably should. The best way to make that happen is for them to contact me and I can send a quick detail sheet of info I need to get started on that. The more artists I can meet and interview here the happier I am, so keep the suggestions coming.
Artists/Agents can reach us here:
Musical Artist Interview Checklist – I have this simple list so we can have a quick and effective fun interview without wasting your time. These 5 items are key to creating quality content.
- Our interview can be by video(zoom) or audio(phone). Of course video content reaches the greatest audience and so it is much preferred.
- We can provide questions in advance if requested, however spontaneous interviews tend to be better than rehearsed answers, imo.
- The interview will have a scheduled start time and will last roughly 30 min. By agreeing to do the interview we both agree to be available at the start time and to be able to provide 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. Late interviews or interrupted interviews will simply be terminated and trashed, they do neither of us any good.
- Our goal is to create fun, interesting, and unique content. We don’t really want your resume or to ask the same crappy questions everyone else does or to regurgitate your wikipedia info. Help us create fun content and it will help you connect with a wider audience.
- Most of you know, paying attention to lighting and audio is important. Lets try to prepare a bit before we hit the record button.